Neural Networks Are Killing the Stock Photo Market

Look at these pictures: would you notice that they were created by artificial intelligence, not people?

Situation: American journalist Casey Newton writes an article about problems in Facebook. The editors require an illustration for the article, but there is no budget.

Casey types the query “Tornado Facebook logo, digital art” into the DALL-E neural network string, and voila, the picture is ready. And of decent quality, 100% relevant and unique. In seconds and for free.

“It is curious that the copyright for the picture, according to the terms of use of the neural network, belongs to me personally,” says Newton. – But! I have no right to hide that the illustration was created by AI. It is also forbidden to sell such photos.

The second image above is also the work of DALL-E: she was given a request: “Jesus Christ looks at memes on a smartphone and laughs.”

What does it change in the advertising industry?

The photorealistic quality of the results means you can cancel your Shutterstock subscription so that advertisers and journalists don’t have to pick photos like “Girl choosing cosmetics in a store” or “An elderly couple relaxing on the beach.”

DALL-E will be able to draw whatever comes to your mind – “Seats play baseball,”; “Three Hundred Spartans at a Picnic,”; or “The wedding of Cleopatra filmed with a hidden camera.”

 Instagram bloggers depicting a beautiful life will definitely like this.

To access the DALL-E photorealistic neural network, you need to fill out an application.