Best lifehacks for breath-taking photos

  1. Try to position yourself closer to the frame center by taking a selfie. The iPhone camera has a wide-angle lens. Its feature: the farther the object is from the center, the more distorted it becomes. Don’t forget to use the valuable timer option.
  2. Turn on HDR for backlit photography. To get such a picture, you need to lower the brightness level a little. HDR will give the image a sharper contrast.
  3. Wait for the yellow flags to appear on the screen
    Yellow flags indicate that the camera has detected faces and the lens is focused on them.
  4. Reduce brightness when shooting the sun and moon
    Lowering the brightness will prevent the light from being washed out. Hold your finger on the screen to change the brightness and then drag it up or down.
  5. Shoot portraits from a distance of 2.5 meters
    It will give the optimum depth of field. Models from iPhone 7 and up have two built-in lenses that provide this effect.
  6. To capture stationary subjects during video recording, press the white button.
    Usually, we wait for the end of the recording, then play the video, pause on the frame and take a screenshot. The white button at the bottom left of the recording screen is a unique tool for this.
  7. Close-up
    Take a picture from a distance of no more than 10 centimetres. The focus may shift if you take it too close or too far.
  8. Use optical zoom when shooting flat objects (flatlets)
    When shooting like this, shadows from a hand or a phone get into the frame. To avoid this, use optical zoom. See 1x on the screen? Click on it and zoom in until the shadow disappears.
  9. Use panoramic mode to increase the height of the frame
    Without taking steps back, the panorama will increase the size of the frame. In this mode, you need to hold the phone tighter so that the image does not tremble.