Instagram Photos: Are They Making a Comeback?

For over a decade, Instagram has been the platform of choice for sharing photos.

Despite the popularity of TikTok and short-form video content, many have questioned whether Instagram photos are still relevant.

Instagram users have been longing for more images on the platform, which prompted the platform’s CEO, Adam Mosseri, to acknowledge that Instagram may have been overemphasizing videos. Mosseri revealed in an Instagram story that they have recently “re-balanced the feed” to showcase more images, as reported by Social Media Today.

Also, the reason for this resurgence is the increasing use of Instagram as a shopping platform.

With this function, users can now purchase products directly from the app. And while videos can be great for showcasing products, photos are still the most effective way to highlight details and convey atmosphere to potential buyers. Of course, Instagram photos are not going to completely replace videos or other types of content. But it’s clear that they still have a place in the social media landscape, and may even be making a comeback.