Instagram Is Introducing a Repost Feature. It Will Work in Unexpected Ways

For years, Instagram executives have been reluctant to introduce the Repost feature.

“If we make a repost function, all the feeds will be filled with them. And we would like to see authentic, original content on the social network,” this is how the company explained its perseverance.

However, people craved reposts and did so through third-party gray apps – celebrities especially abused this.

But there will still be an Instagram repost. The social network developers spied on TikTok’s solution: repost as much as you want, just the reposts will not get into the feed.

Where then? Reposts will be displayed in two places on Instagram:

1) In the recommendations of your friends; – with a unique new square icon with over and under underscores.

2) In the new special tab of your profile. Yes, one more profile tab – now there can be a maximum of 8.