WhatsApp, the popular messaging platform, has recently unveiled a series of exciting updates designed to enhance user experience and foster more creative communication.
The most notable addition is the expansion of video effects. Previously limited to video calls, users can now apply a diverse range of 30 backgrounds, filters, and effects to photos and videos shared within chats. This feature allows for greater personalization and adds a fun, expressive element to conversations.
WhatsApp has also introduced a significant improvement to its reaction UI. A new double-tap feature enables users to react to messages quickly. A simplified interface appears by double-tapping on a message, allowing for swift scrolling through frequently used reactions, streamlining the process and enhancing interaction speed.
For Android users, the ability to easily create custom stickers from selfies has been introduced. This feature, which will soon be available for iOS users, adds a personal touch to conversations and encourages more unique forms of self-expression.